- 2 January – repose of Righteous John of Kronstadt (1908)
“God, Father of the Word, is also our benevolent and loving Father. When saying ‘The Lord’s Prayer,’ we must believe and remember that the Father in heaven never forgets and will never forget us, for what earthly father forgets or does not care for his children? Remember that our Heavenly Father constantly surrounds us with love and care, and not in vain is He called our Father—this is not a name without meaning and force, but a name with great significance and power.” “Should we not recognize Him as all the more benevolent, because He gave … the greatest gift of His benevolence, wisdom, and omnipotence – by this is meant freedom…. not being shaken by the ingratitude of those who received the gift, in order that His goodness could shine brighter than the sun before everyone? And has He not shown by His deeds His boundless love and unlimited wisdom by bestowing upon us freedom, when, after our fall into sinfulness, and our withdrawal from Him, and spiritual ruin, He sent into the world His Son, the Only-Begotten One, in the likeness of perishable man, and gave Him to suffer and die for us?” (Father John of Kronstadt).
Holy Righteous Father John of Kronstadt, pray to God for us!
Source: https://orthochristian.com/58524.html