The Parish of Our Lady of Kazan and the Protection of the Mother of God is being a part of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarchate of Moscow with services performed in accord to the old calendar in accordance with the Liturgicon, traditions and canons of the Russian Orthodox Church.
Our parishioners come from a wide multitude of nationalities and cultures, but we are all united in our true faith in our lord God and savior Jesus Christ and our belonging to the Russian Orthodox Church under the omophorion His Holiness Kirill, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia and under the direction of His Grace Mathew, Bishop of Sourozh, Temporary Administrator of the Parishes of the Moscow Patriarchate in Canada.
Our Parish is named after the Feast of the Protection of the Mother of God and the Kazan Icon of The Theotokos. Our Patronal Feast is on the 14th of October (new calendar).
Troparion — Tone 4
O fervent Protectress, / Mother of the Lord Most High; /
You intercede for all before your Son Christ our God, /
Granting salvation to all who seek refuge in your protection. /
Protect us all, O Queen and Sovereign Lady, /
For we are stricken with grief and wounded by sin. /
With tears we stand before your pure Icon, /
Praying with contrite souls and humble hearts. /
All our hope we place in you, / May we be delivered from evil. /
Grant to all what is expedient, / And save all, O Virgin Theotokos: /
For you are the Holy Protection of your servants!
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Kontakion — Tone 8
Let us run to the gracious and quiet haven /
The fervent helper, ardent and eager to save all. /
Let us run to the Virgin’s protection and hasten to repentance. /
The pure Theotokos grants us unfailing mercy /
She comes to help all, delivering her faithful servants from tribulations!
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